This dish is perfect for the end of summer, when all the bounty of the season is still available, but evenings are beginning to cool and a big, hot bowl of dinner is something to be welcomed. Shell beans are really just immature dry beans, and can be cooked like dry beans that have been soaked. There is a bit of a spectrum between the "shell" and the "dry" stages for beans, and just how long they take to cook can vary a lot based on just where they are on that line. So we recommend cooking the beans separately from the rest of the vegetables in this dish in order to make sure the beans get cooked all the way through without endangering the rest to overcooking.
This salad is made with raw kale, and the "massaging" softens it up. It's especially delicious with fall and winter kale that has already been softened and sweetened by frost, but good even with tougher summer (or Californian) kale. You can make it in a big batch to have on hand, as it keeps (and improves) over several days.
This is a nice recipe for greens because it uses different kinds of greens all mixed together, with fresh herbs and good spices.
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