You want the small new potatoes for this recipe – the big storage ones just won’t do.
As many little new potatoes as you want, the fat of your choice (olive oil is good, duck fat is better), salt, pepper, garlic (optional, up to one clove per potato), fresh or dried herbs of choice (optional).
Pre-heat your oven to 425F.
Boil the potatoes whole in plenty of salted water until they’re very tender. If you want to use garlic, throw it in the pot when you think you’ve got about five minutes left.
Drizzle a rimmed cookie sheet generously with oil. Space the potatoes evenly around, and then smash them gently with a potato masher, until they’re pretty flat. You want the skin split and a good amount of the insides showing, but you’re not making a flat cookie out of it. If you’re using garlic, smash some or all of a clove into each potato. If you don’t have a potato masher, use the bottom of a cup or a big fork.
Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and herbs, and drizzle or brush more olive oil on top. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until they are golden and sizzling. Enjoy!